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VDiSC study results

Evidence from the Virtual Diabetes Specialty Clinic (or VDiSC) study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) highlights how individuals living with type 1 and type 2 diabetes can successfully improve glucose control with support from a Certified Diabetes Care & Education Specialist (CDCES) in a virtual care setting.


The latest virtual care research

Your resource for the most recent data, findings, and recommendations for effective virtual chronic care management and patient support.


Improved Glycemic Outcomes in People with Type 2 Diabetes Using Smart Blood Glucose Monitoring Integrated with Popular Digital Health Therapeutics

ECLIPSE Study | March 2025 (Access the study)

The ECLIPSE study proves that expert support from a Cecelia Health Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialists (CDCES) and digital solutions produce better diabetes outcomes.


Comprehensive Telehealth Model to Support Diabetes Self-Management

VDisC 2023 | October 2023 (Access the study)

Clinical study from Cecelia Health proves people living with diabetes can successfully learn to self-manage through virtual specialty care. 


Supporting the Transition to College Live with the Use of Technology

ADCES 2023 | August 2023 (download poster)

Cecelia Health is proud to support the Novo Nordisk Donnelly Scholarship by working with young tennis athletes who have recently been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Discover the impact technology paired with an expert CDCES can have on key health outcomes among young adults. 


Compassionate Care: Assessing and Addressing the Social Needs of Our Patients

ADCES 2023 | August 2023 (download poster)
Social determinants of health (SDOH) can directly impact people’s ability to manage their health. Learn how Cecelia Health clinicians are able to screen SDOH barriers and address them to improve health outcomes. 


Hyperglycemia and The Role of Technology & CGM

ADCES 2022 | August 2022 (download poster)
Technology brings improved awareness, collaborative management & results in people with hypoglycemia—decreasing fear of long-term complications & replacing with freedom


Synchronous Video Engagements Instrumental in Successful Diabetes Medication Self-Management

ENDO 2022 | June 2022 (download poster)
Incorporating remote CDCES monitoring into care plans ​can positively impact medication adherence and​ clinical outcomes​


Ongoing Remote CDCES Support Improves Glycemic Control and ​Time in Range for CGM Naïve Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes 

ENDO 2022 | June 2022 (download PDF)​
There are significant benefits ​of a virtual diabetes care model on improving TIR and promoting successful device adoption ​​


Solutions and results

Read more about our impact across various populations and how Cecelia Health's human-led virtual programs deliver better outcomes for several customers.

Bending the cost curve for health plans

For a Midwest health plan, our virtual diabetes program delivered 3.7x ROI in just six months 

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Reduction in IP hospital & ER visits

For a Medicaid population at high risk for complications from poor diabetes management

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Increased program enrollment

For an existing patient support program through human-led, proactive outreach and support

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Culturally responsive program

For a Spanish-speaking population resulting in high engagement and improved health literacy

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A1c reduction

For a Medicare population with diabetes and related comorbidities

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We're here to help

Our team of industry experts is ready to help you take your program to the next level. Let's connect and transform lives, together.