Micronutrient: a word used to describe substances needed by our body in small amounts. Micronutrients consist of vitamins and minerals that provide the body with many essential elements. Often when we think of micronutrients, we think of vitamins we take in the form of a pill, but micronutrients are in everything we consume. Some foods are more plentiful than others. Vitamins have long been in the spotlight, but minerals have begun to steal the show with emerging research and understanding of how minerals interact with our body on a cellular level. Many minerals are essential for health, including calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, chloride, magnesium, iron, zinc, iodine, sulfur, cobalt, copper, fluoride, manganese, and selenium. Minerals act as spark plugs for the body’s processes. Without minerals, the body cannot complete essential functions.
Minerals can only be consumed via diet or supplementation. The body does not make its own minerals. While there are over 100 known minerals, some have a better understood role in the body than others. Mineral balance is vital to health and is the foundation of wellness.
Minerals are known for:
- Aiding in the creation of energy in the mitochondria of our cells. Energy in our cells = vitality in our daily life!
- Aiding in digestion of food and nutrient transfer including blood glucose balance
- Muscle contraction and relaxation (think of times you’ve had a Charlie horse or muscle cramp, and the doctor told you to consume more magnesium)
- Aiding in nerve conduction
- Acting as enzyme activators – enzymes are needed by cells to function
Mineral balance is delicate and there are several factors that can deplete minerals including:
- Medications such as birth control, antacids, steroids, diuretics to name a few
- Inadequate absorption by the body – 20-80 percent of digestible minerals can be converted into their bioavailable form for use
- Stress depletes minerals and increasing the hormone cortisol in the body; cortisol also depletes minerals when circulating in high levels
- Alcohol interferes with mineral absorption and can increase excretion of minerals via the kidneys/urine
- Smoking is known to interfere with iron absorption and other minerals
Ways to protect mineral status:
- Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables – the best natural source of minerals
- Focus on protein – 30 to 40 grams per meal will help ensure enough protein to support hormone production, blood glucose balance, and the body’s daily processes (this reduces stressors on the body)
- Practice stress management – breath work, yoga, meditation/prayer are all tools useful in lowering stress levels
- Look at your medicine cabinet and talk to your pharmacist about medications that deplete essential vitamins and minerals and if supplementation is necessary
- Adequate sleep sets the tone for the body to complete cellular tasks
- Time spent outdoors with exposure to natural sunlight helps regulate circadian rhythm and reduce stress
Simple blood glucose-friendly (5g carbs) mineral cocktail recipe:
- ¼ cup coconut water (375mg potassium)
- Juice of ½ a lemon or lime (60mg vitamin C) – can also use orange juice but this does increase the carbohydrates depending on how many ounces are used
- ¼ tsp salt (450mg sodium)
Consult your trusted healthcare provider if you are concerned about your mineral status or before starting supplementation. Each person will require assessment to determine an individualized plan for mineral replenishment and balance.